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Tabletop Games Claim the Sky: Two from very recent history. Chinese superhero Daiyo found a cure for a coronavirus that arose in China in 2020; many believe that if she hadn't, it would have turned into a global pandemic. Two villains are organizing an attack on the US Capitol Building by a mob of misinformed militia-supporting citizens. Many in Rocket Age. Leon Trotsky is still assassinated in Mexico City on Stalin's orders for example, but for slightly different reasons. The Eagle was piloted to Mars by a barnstormer pilot named Ray Armstrong. Averted or very special variant: Space 1889 is an alternate history game but surprisingly this trope is completely absent, unless you count Otto Strabisnäs. He is a nutcase who doesn't believe in the ether theory and instead has developed his own wave-particle duality theory in the adventure Canal Priests of Mars. Since Otto Strabisnäs is ahistorical but his theory is the correct one in our world, this is more like allo-science allusion. The reason for the absence of allo-historical allusion in what is obviously a piece of alternate history could be that this is alternate history very close to real history.
Western Animation Steven Universe: Halloween has been confirmed not to exist in the show's 'Verse by Word of God. In \"Gem Harvest\", Greg's estranged cousin Andy, while arguing with him, says that Greg is giving out family property like \"candy on... some candy-giving-out holiday!\" 59ce067264