Apklis 2021: Descubre las nuevas funciones y mejoras de la app oficial de Cuba
Despite improvements to technical infrastructure, Cuba has one of the lowest connectivity rates in the Western Hemisphere, regular internet access remains extremely expensive, and connections are poor. Authorities both monitor usage and work to direct traffic to the government-controlled intranet. The state engages in content-manipulation efforts and blocks independent news sites. Political dissent is punishable under a wide range of laws, including Decree Law 370, which has frequently been used to intimidate and silence online journalists. A widespread series of public antigovernment protests held in late 2020 and throughout 2021 were facilitated online, as Cubans circumvented government censorship through grassroots digital innovations. Authorities imposed widespread connectivity restrictions and blocked social media platforms in response.
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ETECSA expanded 3G and introduced 4G access during the coverage period by setting up more radio bases. By the end of 2020, the government announced that there were nearly 1.5 million 4G users, equaling 25.6 percent of mobile coverage. As of February 2021, the Ministry of Communications reported that 4.2 million of the 7 million people with internet access connected through mobile phones, indicating that in just over two years this form of access has outpaced all others.7
In February 2021, the government announced a list of 124 prohibited private-sector occupations, including the printing, editing, and laying out books, newspapers, and magazines.6 While the 2019 constitution had stated that the mass media was public and could not be private, this new prohibition dashed the hopes that a loophole would be allowed to legalize some portion of the independent press. The list replaced a previous register of 127 permitted private occupations. The February 2021 rules permit computer programming, which had been previously barred. 7
The use of the podcast format and YouTube channels expanded domestically following the introduction of 3G services in December 2018, with numerous independent journalists, digital news outlets, and others launching their own programs. These include El Enjambre, hosted by El Toque, La Cafetera, which is put together with a binational team in Havana and Miami, and Ventana 14, recorded by Yoani Sánchez, the director of 14ymedio. The state journalist Cristina Escobar also hosts a semidaily podcast in English via Radio Habana Cuba which she makes available via Teveo.cu and Facebook.10 In April 2021, Cuban Twitter users turned to the live audio platform Twitter Spaces feature to access uncensored information and discussions.11
As of April 2021, with the continued expansion of 3G and 4G mobile use on the island, Facebook maintained its spot as the most popular social media site in Cuba with 73 percent of traffic. Pinterest followed with 15 percent. Twitter increased its share, jumping to 9 percent in March 2021 from 2 percent in May 2020. In contrast, YouTube dropped to 3 percent from its previous share of almost 8 percent. Instagram and Tumblr also had negligible shares.14 The availability of 3G has also made global communications apps more accessible and increasingly popular in Cuba, particularly WhatsApp.15
In July 2021, after the coverage period, an unprecedented series of antigovernment protests were held in over 50 locations in the country, facilitated by the livestreaming of the initial demonstration in San Antonio de Los Baños. The protesters mobilized over a wide range of issues, including access to COVID-19 vaccines, food supply shortages, and human rights restrictions.10 In response, Cuban officials restricted internet connectivity, blocked WhatsApp, Telegram, and Signal, and detained hundreds of people.11
A new February 2021 regulation on allowed self-employment activities explicitly bans any private activities related to independent journalism or media outlets,4 and journalists face an increasing degree of repression, including civil and criminal penalties, for their online activities (see C3).
In April 2021, the National Assembly approved Decree Law 35 (see B3). The law, which took effect in August 2021, designates some forms of online content as a cybersecurity risk and may be used to arrest people for their online activities.2
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Prominent journalist Acosta has been targeted repeatedly, with her Facebook and Instagram accounts taken over and private messages to friends shared publicly. While her accounts had been hacked before, the severity has escalated: In an April 2021 incident, hackers changed her profile picture and personal information and posted content on the profile. 14ymedio director Yoani Sánchez and animal protection activist Leydi Laura Hernández experienced similar hacks in March 2021; Hernández and her husband, political rapper Omar Mena, were experiencing constant harassment and threats from state security agents, including the poisoning of some of the dogs they had taken in at their independent animal refuge earlier in the year.1
Voy a empezar por Apklis porque marcó este año un hito en el tema de informatización en Cuba. Si miramos de 2021 hacia atrás, la población cubana no tenía cultura de lo que era comprar aplicaciones informáticas. Este era el país del Zapya. Aquí ni se soñaba, incluso le comentabas a alguien "Oye, yo soy informático hice esta aplicación y la quiero vender", y la respuesta era "tú estás loco, te mueres de hambre, nadie te va a dar un kilo por una aplicación porque el cubano no paga aplicación", y hemos desmontado este mito.
Muy bien por parte de apklis,pero me gustaría que siga sin cambiar nada el picta porque en ves de aumentar los suscriptores van a disminuir,y con respecto a todus está decayendo su consumo además que tiene problemas en la red a cada rato da conectado.
Los interesados en participar deberán inscribirse antes del 5 de agosto, enviando un correo a apklis@nauta.cu con la descripción del videojuego, los integrantes y el tema a tratar. Posteriormente, deberán entregar su propuesta entre el 10 y 18 de agosto. La premiación se hará de manera virtual el 23 de agosto.
Blanco Lezcano L, Fernández Verdecia CI, Pavón Fuentes N, Macías González RJ. La cirugía estereotáctica en la neurociencia experimental. [Internet]. La Habana: Editorial Ciencias Médicas; 2021. Disponible en: -cirugia-estereotactica-en-la-neurociencia-experimental/
Gracias a etecsa por la oferta ,pero porque no permitir que esos 600mb tambien sean usados para interactuar con la plataforma picta,enzona, tu envio, periódicos digitales cubanos , apklis fuera un pqte mas completo
Me encanta la mensajería por todus siempre la he utilizado pero desde que cambiaron el sistema de comunicación con apklis no he podido descargar más nada ni siquiera la aplicación todus para actualizarla porque el Android de.mi teléfono sansung j2 no me lo permite no se.como pudiera entrar en apkliswww.cu de otra forma y actualizar mis aplicaciones como todus y otras más que son necesarias si pudieran ayudarme lo agradecería mucho sldos gracias
This app was commissioned by the Cuban Ministry of Health to quickly and truthfully inform the population about the pandemic that has caused so many infections and deaths around the world, COVID-19. The app has been downloaded by a large number of users and its usage has spread nationwide. The Apklis site reports, so far, 183,107 downloads. Downloads from the ETECSA or Infomed FTP sites have not been counted. Regarding the user experience, the app has received positive evaluations, which can be verified in apklis.
In addition, BACuba offers telephone numbers and e-mail addresses for any complaints, a basic care manual and other sections such as Adopt, My Pets and News, which will contribute to animal welfare in Cuba.Decree-Law No. 31 on Animal Welfare was issued on April 2021 and regulates the principles, duties, rules and purposes regarding the care, health and use of animals, to guarantee their welfare.