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There is a growing appreciation that laws and social commitment require documents, books and corporate publications that everyone can access, including persons with disabilities. The publishing industry has embraced EPUB 3 as their format of choice. [1] Now it is time for other corporations and organizations to do the same for their publications, unlocking benefits for themselves and their audiences. EPUB 3 provides the best digital reading experience for everybody on the devices we use today, for both online and offline reading. EPUB 3 can be produced using your existing document processes. EPUB 3 is better, less expensive, and faster.

Smart Choice 3 Student.epub

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The EPUB 3 format is the most popular and recommended format for the production of accessible publications, opening up a greater potential market for content and enabling access to a far greater number of readers. Today, people are reading on all kinds of devices and viewing some document formats on a smartphone can be torture. EPUB 3 improves the experience for everyone, and we explore this theme further on in the Reading Experience section of this whitepaper.

Based on technologies developed for the Open Web Platform that we use every day (such as HTML and CSS), EPUB 3 is designed to provide a rich digital reading experience on any size screen. When using a desktop display, laptop, tablet or a smart phone, an EPUB 3 file will adapt to any screen size, enabling the reader to personalize the experience by adjusting preferences for the font size, colors and much more.

There are a wide range of EPUB 3 reading apps available and the reading app evaluation available at helps the reader make the correct choice for them giving them the best access to their downloaded documents. There is also a quick roundup of these results on Inclusive Publishing to help beginners get started.

It is time for companies and organizations to consider adopting modern digital publishing standards for their document output. Reading documents digitally is the norm today, and it is taking place on smartphones, tablets, and on computers. It is true that PDF workflows may be well-established within organizations, delivering printed content with success. Wonderful for printing and ubiquitous, PDF can only be made accessible to persons with disabilities after time-consuming, expensive remediation has been completed. Companies may decide to keep the delivery of PDF in place and elect to provide a Born Accessible EPUB 3 file alongside, which would meet their legal obligations for accessibility and give their customers a choice in how they read.

The emergence of digital content has taken the traditional world of book publishing by storm. Readers across the world are simply not interested in the archetypical, paper-based, and voluminous textual publications anymore. Instead, they have made a gradual shift towards reading smart, slick, and exhaustive electronic books. So much so that the digital publishing industry has breached the barrier of 84.13 million users in 2020!

Primary care providers should take a comprehensive sexual history, including a discussion of STI screening, HIV PrEP and PEP, behavioral health, and social determinants of sexual health. Clinicians can improve the experience of sexual health screening and counseling for transgender persons by asking for their choice of terminology or modifying language (e.g., asking patients their gender pronouns) to be used during clinic visits and history taking and examination (343). Options for fertility preservation, pregnancy potential, and contraception options should also be discussed, if indicated. For transgender persons who retain a uterus and ovaries, ovulation might continue in the presence of testosterone therapy, and pregnancy potential exists ( ).

Persons with HIV infection might have additional needs (e.g., referral for substance use or mental health disorders). Others require assistance to secure and maintain employment and housing. Persons capable of reproduction might require family planning counseling, information about reproductive health choices, and referral for reproductive health care.

Because latent syphilis is not transmitted sexually, the objective of treating persons in this disease stage is to prevent medical complications of syphilis. Latent syphilis can also be vertically transmitted to a fetus; therefore, the goal of treating a pregnant woman is to prevent congenital syphilis. Although clinical experience supports the effectiveness of penicillin in achieving this goal, limited evidence is available for guiding choice of specific regimens or duration. Available data demonstrate that additional doses of benzathine penicillin G, amoxicillin, or other antibiotics in early latent syphilis do not enhance efficacy, regardless of HIV status (592,593,609).

These regimens provide coverage against frequent etiologic agents of PID; however, the optimal choice of a cephalosporin is unclear. Cefoxitin, a second-generation cephalosporin, has better anaerobic coverage than ceftriaxone, and, in combination with probenecid and doxycycline, has been effective in short-term clinical response among women with PID. Ceftriaxone has better coverage against N. gonorrhoeae. The addition of metronidazole to these regimens provides extended coverage against anaerobic organisms and will also effectively treat BV, which is frequently associated with PID.

Consensus guidelines for management of abnormal cervical cancer screening tests combine patient-level risk data with clinical action thresholds to generate personalized management recommendations (Table 2). This framework allows management on the basis of risk for CIN 3, not specific test results. The guidelines were designed to identify persons at high risk who require colposcopy or expedited treatment and persons at low risk who might be able to safely defer invasive diagnostic procedures. The risk-based framework was designed to easily incorporate future revisions, such as the inclusion of new technologies for screening and management. Use of the guidelines can be facilitated by electronic technology that is continually updated, such as a smartphone application or the website ( ).

The Libby app is a beautifully designed eReader, perfect for use on a smartphone. Created by Overdrive, Libby lets you search through millions of audiobooks and eBooks. You can even borrow titles rather than buying them, which gives you the ultimate online library experience.

Cryptocurrency is a highly speculative area of the market, and many smart investors have decided to put their money elsewhere. For beginners who want to get started trading crypto, however, the best advice is to start small and only use money that you can afford to lose.

During the DCE, participants completed a choice task, which was choosing their preferred mitigation strategy from the randomly presented options. The task was comprised of 3 choice profiles: Shelter in Place Situation A, or Shelter in Place Situation B, or None (Fig. 2). The None option represented the pre-COVID-19 status quo (opt-out) option (which explicitly allowed for higher risk preferences). Each profile was comprised of the nine attributes listed in Table 2. To ascertain preference, participants were presented with a task that contained different combinations of the levels of each of the nine attributes (Hensher et al. 2005). Participants were presented with 10 tasks twice, resulting in 20 choice tasks. The first task asked participants to choose the best options from the three choice profiles (Shelter in Place Situation A, or Shelter in Place Situation B, or None), and the second task asked them to choose the best option from the remaining two choice profiles (best-best analysis) (Ghijben et al. 2014; Lancsar et al. 2017). Since the study had three alternatives, use of a best-best DCE allowed for full preference ranking of the choice-sets (Ghijben et al. 2014; Lancsar et al. 2017). The number of tasks was chosen in alignment with the literature to prevent participant fatigue, limit cognitive overload, and ensure participants were able to consider all attributes (Coast and Horrocks 2007; Mangham et al. 2008; Clark et al. 2014).

The DCE results, preferences for COVID-19 nonpharmaceutical mitigation strategies, are reported in Table 5. The attributes were evenly distributed across first (Appendix Table 7) and second choices (Appendix Table 8), meaning that the DCE was balanced and the properties of the logit model were satisfied.

Our timely and relevant pilot project of nonpharmaceutical COVID-19 mitigation preferences among university students and staff members has shown that using web-based respondent-driven sampling (RDS) to recruit participants for a web-based discrete choice experiment (DCE) from multiple sites across three counties is feasible and implementable. The combination of these techniques is promising because it can enable recruitment of hard-to-reach populations that are underrepresented in sampling frames, allow higher-risk populations to participate in research, and can be completed anywhere in the world with access to the internet or a smart phone.

Parker CC, Chen H, Flagel SB, Geurts AM, Richards JB, Robinson TE, Solberg Woods LC, Palmer AA (2014). Rats are the smart choice: Rationale for a renewed focus on rats in behavioral genetics. Neuropharmacology 76B: 250-258 076b4e4f54


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