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Why I Left Single Family Investing Behind and You Should Too w/ Jerome Myers

July 13, 2021


Lecture Details:

Jerome Myers, founder and head coach of Myers Methods, will discuss why he started speaking and is giving this talk specifically, and touch on: the difference between SFHs and apartments, roadblocks to getting in, a case study, his big mistakes, free resources, and Q & A.

Lecturer Bio:

Jerome Myers is the preeminent authority of dream realization. A believer that dreams can, and should be real, Jerome left corporate America when he realized that his role offered financial gain, but little significance. He is the founder and head coach of Myers Methods and has been featured in Black Enterprise, Business Insider and numerous podcasts.

After building a highly profitable division of a Fortune 500 company, Jerome decided to leave the rat race to get away from what seemed to be the endless slew of layoffs. He has developed a system for exiting corporate America and creating a life of impact. Today, he and his company help other apex performers find their calling and live every day on purpose by harnessing the power of his model for a Centered Life, what he calls “the Red Pill”. Jerome and his firms can guide any individual from a monotonous uninspiring existence to a life of fulfillment and impact.

Lecture Format:

45 min Presentation + 15 min Q&A

Get in Touch Links:

Jerome Myers

Jerome Myers on LinkedIn

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