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Axel Young
Axel Young

The Dwarf Kingdom - Magic World Of War Vs Orks ...

The Dwarf throws you in an epic fantasy world where you can meet 4 different types of fantastic creatures that you must defeat in order to survive in a world where evil reigns - an ominous dragon awakened from the depths of an ancient volcano in order to capture this world. You are the one for whom 10 strongest magicians gave their lives. You can save this world by exploring it, upgrade your abilities and gain strength to face the coming challenges.

The Dwarf Kingdom - Magic World of War vs Orks ...

The Chaos Dwarfs are very technologically advanced. Without being constrained by the conservative nature of their western kin, they have developed steam technology far in advance of anything The Empire or Dwarfs possess. They are also not afraid to fuse technology with dark magic to create arcane machines of great power. The Chaos Dwarfs are not an expansionist race as they have no need for more resources. All the resources they require can be found in their own domain. All war is waged by Chaos Dwarfs with the intent of acquiring more slaves. The Chaos Dwarfs are like a slowly burning fire, content to bide their time until they can bring the world under their dominion.

The Men, who live primarily in the Southland, are the primary race of the Shannara novels. Men are descended from some of the lucky humans that did not alter or mutate from the effects of the Great Wars, due to living within the sheltered Southland. The Race of Man was brought out of a tribal and warlike existence by the First Council of Paranor, of which they played an important role in forming. The Druid Council granted the Race of Man sovereign rulership over the Southland. The rebel Druid Brona incited a violent separatist uprising in the Southland, that soon encompassed and united the full might of Man. This army attacked Paranor, but was repulsed and broken by the Druids and the combined might of the other Races. Descendants of Men who opposed this uprising formed the small highland kingdom of Leah (World of Shannara). In the aftermath of the War of the Races, Men were barred from entry into Druid's Keep (First King of Shannara). In the long years after the War, the Race of Man withdrew into the Southland cities to lick their wounds, leaving only fledgling outposts in the Borderlands. They pursued an isolationist policy from the other Races, and soon forgot the true course of events that had led to their separation. The city of Dechtera swelled to become the second greatest industrial centre of the Four Lands. The Borderlands became the frontier for the Southland, and the Kingdom of Callahorn emerged as a superbly defended coalition of the three cities Tyrsis, Kern and Varfleet. The legendary Border Legion withstood many incursions of Gnome and Rock Troll raiders. Callahorn was also a most cosmopolitan land, pursuing the multicultural dream originally intended by the First Council of Paranor. While the Southland refused to offer any aid in the Third War of the Races, it was Callahorn that bore the full brunt of the Northland Army. The Warlock Lord placed a spy within Tyrsis who poisoned King Ruhl Buckannah and manipulated his unstable younger son Palance into disbanding the Border Legion. Callahorn was saved by the return of Crown Prince Balinor Buckannah, and the valor of Prince Menion Leah. Kern fell before the onslaught, but its populace escaped to Tyrsis due to the daring ingenuity of Prince Leah. The siege of Tyrsis was broken only when the Warlock Lord fell before the scion of Shannara, and his commanding Skull Bearers were destroyed. Belatedly, the Southland cities of Dechtera, Stern and Wayford realised the danger that they had narrowly avoided, and united into the Southland Federation. The Federation and Callahorn became drawn inexorably into conflict as Callahorn, after rebuilding Kern, continued to strive for independence, and the Federation to bring the Borderlands back under their control. The Borderlands offered token support to the Elves in the War of the Forbidding and the Dwarves in the War of the Ildatch. Eventually the Federation came to dominate the entire Race of Man, save for the nomadic Rover people. The Federation Council became corrupted by the Shadowen, who used their position to poison the Four Lands and wage war upon the other Races. The Federation waged a brutal war upon the Dwarves using Creepers, and ultimately enslaved their people, intent eventually upon genocide. Most of the Gnome tribes fell in line with Federation decrees. With the return of the Elves to the Four Lands, the Federation declared an all out war upon Arborlon. This assault was broken only when the scions of Shannara overcame the Shadowen at Southwatch, causing the invading army to rout. Callahorn was retaken by the Freeborn rebellion, and Leah was likewise declared independent once again. The Federation built a new city as the capital of their empire, Arishaig; the jewel of the Federation. The Federation continued to remain aggressive to the other Races and within two centuries they fully resumed their assault. When the airship was invented in the Rover coastal cities (World of Shannara), they gained new weapons in the form of mighty flying vessels. Airships were useful in the war waged between the Southland and the Freeborn Alliance, of the Borderlands, the Elves and the Dwarves. Prime Minister Sen Dunsidan was notable for relying upon magical enemies of Paranor to bolster his power. These included the Ilse Witch, the Morgawr and the rebel Druids Iridia Elerri and Shadea A'rhu. Ultimately Dunsidan became a cat's paw for a Demonic warlock named Tael Riverine, who wished to used the Federation army to destroy the Forbidding. This ploy was foiled by the courage of Penderrin Ohmsford of the Shannara line. Severe restrictions were placed upon the Southland following their failed attack upon Arborlon, in particular a deadly new airship weapon utilising laser emitting crystals was absolutely banned and its plans destroyed.

The Stors are a race of Healers, considered to be the best in the world. Unlike the other Gnomes, the Stors have traditionally been committed reverently to a path of benevolent neutrality. Their small town, Storlock, is located in the Eastland. Wil Ohmsford is considered to be the first human to tutor under the Stors. The Stors are stated in World of Shannara to be an order formed by a Druid of the First Council of Paranor, who was committed to the arts of healing. The order is named after this founding figure. Storlock became legendary across the Four Lands for their amazing ability to combat illness and injury. Storlock almost fell to the Northland Army during the 2nd War of the Races when a roving Rock Troll platoon appeared at its gates. The Trolls were driven away by the magic of Mareth, an apprentice of the Druid Bremen. The Stors played vital roles in the history of the Four Lands, including saving the last scion of Shannara from poison in the 3rd War of the Races; and healing the Druid Allanon after a run-in with Demons. The Stors are characteristically silent around foreigners to their order, and wear white robes. The Stors have traditionally maintained subtle alliances with solo Druids such as Cogline and Allanon.

The Jachyra is a monster race of the old world, sealed away before even the war between faeries and demons. When the Mord Wraiths come to power in the Eastland, they used their magic within the Wolfsktaag to release the Jachyras again. One lay in wait for Allanon as he journeyed through the Wolfsktaag, which he defeated at the cost of his own life. Another did battle with Garet Jax at Heaven's Well, and despite the lack of proof and the body of the Weapons Master, Jair Ohmsford believed he had beaten it.

Walker Boh and his party encountered one on their journey to recover the Black Elfstone in The Druid of Shannara. It had been magically warped by the Stone King and made to guard the pass to his kingdom. It was blind, but its other senses made up for that. It lived in a valley strewn with boulders, and its grey fur allowed it to blend in perfectly with its surroundings. According to Horner Dees, he and a group had managed to get past the Koden once before, by running faster than the members of the party the Koden managed to catch. However, this time Walker Boh used his ability to communicate with animals to make the Koden a promise that they would find a way to free it from Uhl Belk's magic if they were allowed to pass.

  • Are a Proud Warrior Race with an extensive honor system partially inspired by the Japanese, the Norse, or other "warrior" cultures. They've been referred to as "green Klingons" in the past.

  • Have intelligence on par with humans and other races (though other races might not see it that way). Their technology and magic might even be on par with humans and elves, though their magic will be more shamanic than arcane, and their technology will be more "earthy".

  • Are far more likely to have a more fully fleshed-out culture than Tolkienesque orcs. But unlike other races, they rarely have a direct real-world counterpart, but are instead a mishmash of various tribal cultures, although most can be summed up as a Proud Warrior Race.

  • Have an animist and/or shamanistic religious structure.

  • Are more likely to be omnivorous.

  • Are more likely to have cities or settlements beyond war camps, although other races will likely still consider them barbaric and primitive.

  • May appear rugged and violent to other races because historically they lived in dangerous environments that have very few resources available so they resort to a spartan way of life.

  • Are more likely to have females portrayed, gender equality or even female leaders. Although sexual dimorphism does exist, Orcish women are expected to fight to exactly the same degree as men, and usually also have the same degree of martial ability. More fearsome females may exemplify the Beast Man trope.

  • Have bright green skin and are physically similar to (some) trolls from European folklore.

  • Aren't necessarily repulsive. They can even be quite attractive, with the women shown as Amazonian beauties and the men burly and ruggedly handsome.

  • Will have large tusks jutting out from their lower jaws, though if the orcs are portrayed as attractive, these will be reduced to inverted Cute Little Fangs (though female orcs tend to have small "cute" tusks even when the men's are still large and imposing). This is the one holdover from when orcs were more pig-like in appearance. Even if they have human noses, they'll always have the tusks.

  • Are larger than humans and nearly always stronger. An Orc will be probably about 6-8 feet tall, and much more stocky and robustly built. Limbs are close to a foot thick. Competitive Balance usually ensures that this does not make them superior to other races in battle: elves are still much more agile and attuned to nature or magic, dwarves have comparable strength, toughness and superior equipment, and humans have superior logistics, tactics, and coordination on the battlefield.

  • May have incredibly thick muscle, broad chests and shoulders and somewhat elongated arms, but generally stand upright and appear undeniably humanoid.

  • Are vastly more likely to be protagonists or at least supporting characters as opposed to rank-and-file Mooks.

Although the two interpretations differ significantly, they broadly share both a monstrous, primitive appearance and conflict with humanity and the other Standard Fantasy Races. The author's choice of which model to emulate usually depends on whose perspective the story is written from, the story's relative position on the Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism, and whether or not the author intends to explore ramifications of killing sentient beings. In any case, expect humans to treat revisionist orcs as if they were Tolkienesque orcs, at least initially. Also both types are generally mooted to reach maturity faster and to have a lower life expectancy than even humans, though this isn't universal. Around half human lifespan seems to be common, with half-orcs bridging the difference. You average orc will be an adult at ten, in their prime at twenty, be middle aged at thirty, old at forty and venerable at fifty, in the unlikely event they live that long - orc lives tending to be dangerous, brutish and short. 041b061a72


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